I kept track of what I did yesterday. Here it is, in horrifying detail:

7:40AM: Wake up. Let out the dog, make coffee.

8:00: Drink coffee. Continue swatching the eye-poppingly beautiful yarn I bought from Yummy Yarn at Got Craft on Sunday. (Simple stitches seem too blah; complex stitches too involved. A perfect yarn challenge. I have not yet figured it out and have a hunch motifs may be in order.)

8:30: Check email. Catch up on new content on CrochetMe.com.

9:00: Book flight to TNNA in June. It’s expensive, and involves a 4:15AM trip to the airport. At least that means I won’t really get jet lag. Wonder yet again why this wonderful trade organization put an article in their acronym.

9:15: Look over design options for a couple of new departments in the magazine. Reply to Kit, the designer, about them. (Kit makes the world go ’round.) Departments are the sections of the magazine that appear in each issue. For example, Vickie Howell‘s Crochet Around Town column about Austin in the Spring issue is the first instance of that new department. In the summer issue, we’re tweaking our departments overall and introducing some new ones. I’m really excited about them.

9:30: Start second-round editing of pattern PDFs. Our summer issue is going to press next Wednesday, the 14th, and we’re in the home stretch. At this point, each pattern has been edited several times by several different people. Up to the point that I arrive in Colorado next week, I’ll be scrutinizing PDFs—mostly for wee details like commas and typos, but very occasionally for an “Oh man, if we change this and that it will be so much easier to understand!”

10:30: Eat breakfast. This is much later than usual. We didn’t have milk and I forgot to make myself something else earlier. Laugh at me, whatever. The man bought milk; I remembered finally to pour some over cereal. Read article about sustainable development in Vancouver Magazine over bran flakes, oat cereal, and half a banana. Then back to PDFs.

11:45: Need a break! I added a nifty feature to the comments section of the blog so you can @reply to other comments directly, Twitter-style (click the swooshing arrow icon in someone’s comment to do so). (I’m becoming much in love with Twitter.)

12:00PM: Yoga wake-up for fifteen minutes, check email, pass another PDF back to the office (Toni, the assistant editor, uploads new versions via FTP, I take them, edit them, and email them back to her), shower, dress. I usually do this (save for the PDF edits) when I, shock of shocks, wake up, but this morning I needed yarn time instead. Also, this was a great head-clearer after all the pattern editing.

1:00: Back to the PDFs. Set iTunes to shuffle my top-rated songs. There are 293 songs on the list; make mental note to be more discriminating in my doling-out of 4- and 5-star ratings.

2:00: Eat lunch. This is two hours later than I usually eat lunch, but I ate breakfast really late today. Continue with PDFs over a bagel and salad. Notice that I seem to have succeeded in my long-term effort to learn to like red bell peppers. Raise eyebrow at relatives who continue to call me a picky eater.

3:00: Walk the dog with the man. This season smells amazing.

3:30: Yet more PDF editing. Ain’t no glamour in it, kids. Also, did some emailing. Recall that I found my reading glasses last week. Put them on, enjoy the subtle relief.

5:00: Allow my laptop battery to run down completely. Use time it takes for computer to restart to empty and fill the dishwasher.

5:15: Answer some emails. Start on another PDF. Get fed up with Adobe Reader, which suddenly decides never to place the cursor where I want it. Quit editing for the day.

5:40: Skim NY Times headlines.

6:00: Work on private project for a bit.

6:35: Go out to dinner at The Reef with a friend who’s in from out of town. Eat self into coma (mmm. Yam fries). Proceed down the street to Sweet Revenge. Have chamomile tea and can’t resist ordering apple pie. Take most of the pie home.

10:30: Return home. Spend half an hour folding laundry and returning some semblance of order to the house. Flip through the man’s high school yearbooks to relive some reminiscences that came up over dinner. Laugh.

11:15: Get ready for bed. Read for a while. Fall asleep.

How does your day go?

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So you’re eating bananas again? What’s the cool comment feature?


So you’re eating bananas again? What’s the cool comment feature?

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