365 Days: First 12, originally uploaded by kpwerker.
I think I’m going to like this photo-a-day thing. After the first twelve days, here’s what I think:
- It’s a challenge and a commitment to take a photo a day. So far, I’m enjoying it. I’ve only had to take one eleventh-hour snapshot.
- This is already shaping up to be a somewhat interesting year. In my first twelve days, I’ve been to the Bay Area for a photo shoot and I’ve had surgery. The photo of my midsection is the first time this area of my body has been visible to the public in many, many years. That I chose to show it off in such a state is something that’s proving to be fun to explore during this challenge.
- I find myself motivated to do some more interesting things, which was part of the reason I wanted to take the challenge. I have a tendency to work all day at home, then burrow into home in the evenings, which doesn’t exactly lead to interestingness.
- I also find myself paying more attention to my physical surroundings and how they represent the experience I’m having. This was also something I was hoping to accomplish.
- Moving forward, I’m hoping to improve my photography skills, too.
- It’s going to be a pain in the butt to take my camera with me on all my travels this fall, but I’m hoping I won’t regret having to make the space and heft the weight.
I haven’t yet read ALL of the interweave crochet I picked up this afternoon, but what I’ve flipped through I LOVED. Thank you!! :)
may you have a complete and speedy recovery from the surgery.
i’ve found that practising writing every day helped my writing, i should try it with the camera.. good luck. :)