Thanksgiving Fridge
, originally uploaded by kpwerker.

All the words that want to get written here bombard each other into a cacophony inside my head, and none can make it out.

So I’ll sum up the last week, and start fresh from there.

This is what our fridge looked like on Friday morning, after we spent Thursday night cooking in preparation for our annual US Thanksgiving feast with our friends on Friday night. It’s my favourite night of the year, and it was a blast.

The book tour has wrapped up, and I am so very excited to hunker down and focus on my normal day jobs again. Also, I have three months to catch up with my friends about, and Friday provided only a wee beginning.

As things are now, a week after returning home, our house is cleaner and I am more relaxed than it/I have been since early September. Wahoo!

As I continue to catch up on laundry, general domestic chores, socializing, and, you know, normal life, I’m itching to get my camera back out and to finish up some yarn projects I’ve been working on.

In sum, it is so very, very good to be home!

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