I very sincerely, without judgment, and with an open mind, would like to know why you support Sarah Palin. So I thought this blog, which has the potential to reach many people who have differing political views, would be the best place to ask.
Because, really, I don’t much care what pundits say, and I am tired of sitting around trying to put thoughts in other people’s minds when those people are so different from me I can’t help but admit I’m shooting in the dark.
So I ask you: If you’re a Palin supporter, or if you have insight into why folks support Palin, please leave a comment and let me, and all of us, know why. I may ask you questions, but I will not argue against you, and I ask everyone who participates to do the same. There will be nothing but respect, here.
(Just in case, I’ll throw out there now that I’ll moderate comments with a heavy hand if it becomes necessary. But I know y’all will play nice.)
let me preface this by saying that I do. not. support. Sarah. Palin. ahem.
but. I think some conservative voters like her stance on abortion. They like that she's a born-again Christian, and will bring those kinds of “values” to the White House. Some look at her record in Alaska and call her a reformer, so they think that she will bring change (and she's not “establishment” since she hasn't been on the national political scene.) She's “just like you and me” – folksy, down-home, gun-toting. etc.
If you lurk in the McCain/Palin support groups on Ravelry, you will hear more. But be warned – the political groups on Rav are all very, very heated right now.