What would it be? Let me know by 5PM Pacific Standard Time tomorrow (Thursday, 13th November 2008).

If I—*cough* “hypothetically”*—have a chance, I’ll pick one or two to ask.

* I don’t consider anything to be certain, and that’s all I’ll say about it. No, I’ll say one more thing. You all rock.

[x-posted at CrochetMe.com]

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I would ask “how do you plan to intagrate the crafting subcoluture into your future projects?”


would have been nice if I spelled that right….


A few questions, which I know goes against the whole “if you could ask one question”:

Is Joss the craft-friendly one on his crew or is it someone else who sneaks things in? And if it is him, is there something specific he sees for a scene or setting? (I ask because as a props person on a few plays in college, I remember being asked by directors to do some needlepoint on a hideous towel and some knitting and crocheting.)

Could Joss have predicted that Jayne's cunning hat would be a cultural icon when the scene was written and filmed? Was there some other crafty item from his projects that he would have expected an equivalent fan reaction to?


how about: do you think we're all nuts?



OK. Fine. I'll throw a few out.

First, the silly:
Which do you think would be more useful for slaying… a crochet hook or a knitting needle?

Secondly, the gender-studies-related:
There's a lot of dialogue in the crafting community about the “feminism” of modern needle arts, specifically, in the question of how women are embracing a fairly traditional, fairly gendered craft and reinventing it. As a feminist, what opportunities do you feel there are for women – and men – to make a statement through knitting or crochet?


Awesome feminism question. I wanted to ask that too, but my words aren't very clear today for whatever silly reason.


I second the feminism question, which is a much better phrased version than the one I posted at CrochetMe.


If you were a craft, which would you be and why?

okay, i only partake of the fandom from afar having never seen anything that joss whedon has been involved with, to my knowledge. but you know, go pop culture!

and more important, go pop culture and the intersection with the fiberarts, or really crafts in general.

Kim Werker

Ok. You and your daughters (at least the eldest) seriously need to start
watching Buffy. From the beginning.


If you were a craft, which would you be and why?

okay, i only partake of the fandom from afar having never seen anything that joss whedon has been involved with, to my knowledge. but you know, go pop culture!

and more important, go pop culture and the intersection with the fiberarts, or really crafts in general.


OK. Fine. I'll throw a few out.

First, the silly:
Which do you think would be more useful for slaying… a crochet hook or a knitting needle?

Secondly, the gender-studies-related:
There's a lot of dialogue in the crafting community about the “feminism” of modern needle arts, specifically, in the question of how women are embracing a fairly traditional, fairly gendered craft and reinventing it. As a feminist, what opportunities do you feel there are for women – and men – to make a statement through knitting or crochet?


Awesome feminism question. I wanted to ask that too, but my words aren't very clear today for whatever silly reason.


I second the feminism question, which is a much better phrased version than the one I posted at CrochetMe.


If you were a craft, which would you be and why?

okay, i only partake of the fandom from afar having never seen anything that joss whedon has been involved with, to my knowledge. but you know, go pop culture!

and more important, go pop culture and the intersection with the fiberarts, or really crafts in general.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x