Make & Meaning blog image

Oh, my glee when I got an email a few months ago from Diane, of Craftypod, and Paul, of Dudecraft, asking if I’d be up for joining a little project they were cooking up.

Through their own blogs, these two have blown my mind pretty much on a weekly basis for the last year. The prospect of them starting a bigger project with a focus on the thoughtful examination of pretty much everything having to do with making and crafting was enough to make me giddy. To be a part of the project sent my imagination into the stratosphere. And I was very, very flattered.

And today, that project is a GO!

The other contributors are Betsy, of Craftivism; Pip, of Meet Me at Mike’s; and Alice, of Futuregirl.

Our first few posts are already up, and given that there are six of us that means you have a good hour of reading ahead of you. I’ve written so far about getting out of a crafting dry spell and about my favourite topic: opinions. I’d love to hear from you about those pieces, and in general I’m psyched about the discussion and community that will hopefully build up around this new project.

In sum: YAY.

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