As you well know because I won’t shut up about it this summer, pancreatic cancer runs in my family on my dad’s side. Because of this, my father has both participated as a subject in research into familial pancreatic cancer, and for the last several years has received regular screenings of his pancreas. There’s no simple early-detection test for the disease, which is why its dreadful five-year survival rate is only 5%.
Every September, my parents help put on a fundraiser for the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, which helps to fund explorations into early-detection, treatment and cure. Sometimes I fly out to Albany, NY, to walk the walk with them, and sometimes I help raise funds from afar. I hadn’t been planning to attend the walk this year, but since Dad had such good timing with his surgery, I’ll be there for it on Sunday. (Live near Albany, NY? Come walk with me! It’s easy to register!)
The crafts community has been totally awesome in helping to raise funds – and, importantly, awareness – too. Check out the Pancreatic Craftacular! Go shopping!
And now, here’s a more general shebang. A couple of people offered to donate some amazing yarn and fibre, and I think the best way to have fun with it and raise money is to give it away.
My friend Amanda recently moved (you may recognize her from the last contest I ran here). And as many people feel compelled to do when they move, Amanda needs to destash. The first prize in the contest is over $300 worth of Amanda’s stash.
Rachel from Dyeabolical® hasn’t recently moved, to my knowledge. But she still wants to give some fibre away. Because she’s awesome. So the second prize is $65 worth of her hand-dyed wool for spinning, and a spindle. So even if you don’t spin, you’ll be all set to learn. And if you do already spin, BONUS.

All you have to do to enter is this: Make a donation to the Lustgarten Foundation by following this link to sponsor me, or by supporting another participant in the fundraiser, or by buying from sellers in the Pancreatic Craftacular or by simply making a general donation to Lustgarten (it totally counts if you’ve already donated or bought things – you don’t have to do it again). Leave a comment on this post saying you made a donation or supported the Craftacular. No need to say how much you gave or what you bought; it’s just the donating that’s important. I trust you. It’s the honour system. Any donation or purchase counts equally, no matter how small or large. And as I said, it doesn’t matter if you made the donation yesterday or last week or last month, or if you make it today.
The contest closes on Monday, September 13th, 2010Wednesday, September 15th, at noon Pacific time.
After that, I’ll randomly draw two winners. It’s possible I’ll be traveling home at the time the contest ends, so I’ll ask you to be patient if winners aren’t contacted until Tuesday the 14th.
Go forth, yarn and fibre lovers, and help conquer pancreatic cancer!
I bought some yarn from blond chicken during the fund raiser.