Oh how I wish I could attend the Maker Faire in California next weekend. (Or the one in Detroit in July, or New York in September…) Next year, I hope!

But I’m not terribly disappointed, because next month Vancouver will host its first community-organized Mini Maker Faire. Sanctioned by O’Reilly – the folks behind MAKE magazine, CRAFT online, and Maker Faire – these smaller, local “mini” events are pretty freaking awesome. And the one in Vancouver is going to be anything but mini. It’s going to be huge. And I’ll be there, doing a Mighty Ugly workshop once each on the Saturday and Sunday of the event – June 25th and 26th.

I’ll write more about the event as it grows closer – about why I’m so excited for it and how I’ve been involved in helping to put it together – but for now I’ll embed a wee documentary from the Toronto Mini Maker Faire last earlier this month. It’s fabulous.

And as a teaser for what the Vancouver event will include, check out the Mondo Spider:

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