Fall means knitting and crocheting, people. Seriously.

Greg’s started going to a class one or two evenings a week, which is like added crafting magic. I put the baby to bed, eat something, then watch all sorts of vaguely uninteresting television and knit.

Which means I’m actually making progress.

And that’s a very good thing, because there’s a wee fetus out there who will need some handknits for his arrival in a few months. I didn’t have enough notice to make newborn stuff for Owen, but this cousin-to-be of his, oh, he’ll have handknits.

 Starting with a wee toque from my friend Alexa‘s spanking new book, 9 Months of Knitting. (I have it in mind to make the same toque in the adult size for my brother- and sister-in-law, but I won’t get that ambitious till I finish the other things I’m making for the-fetus-otherwise-known-to-me-as-Nephew.)

I love this book. There ain’t an ounce of nauseating baby pastel cheesy saccharine precious bullshit in it. And yet there also ain’t an ounce of manufactured irreverence. The projects are freaking adorable. And practical. And awesome. So. Right. I highly recommend it if you have tiny humans to knit for. (Also, some patterns are totally for adult humans.)

The Details

More on Ravelry
: Hunter, from 9 Months of Knitting by Alexa Ludeman and Emily Wessel
Size: Newborn
Yarn: Louisa Harding Kashmir Aran, one ball
Needles: 4.5mm dpns
Started: 8 October 2011
Finished: 12 October 2011

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