photo of finished WWII Watch Cap

It’s not really all that exciting, but it’s for my father-in-law for Hanukkah, so in that regard I’m considering myself a hero for knitting it on time for the planned Saturday delivery this coming weekend. Here are the project details on Ravelry.

In other news, I must whine to you for a moment, because I’m losing a days-long battle with a cold of unknown name. Said cold has finally stopped tormenting my kid, and I’ve been keeping it at bay, allowing only a minor throat tickle or headache through my fairly strong defenses, but yesterday afternoon the sneezing started, and my brain is, as I write this, filling with cotton. Whine whine whine. I hate losing to you, stupid cold.

It was pointed out to me today under, let’s face it, not the best of contexts, that I haven’t been blogging very regularly of late. Thankfully, the year-end is looming, and with it will come my annual lists and look-backs, and with those will come explanations. Nothing juicy, don’t get all excited or anything. But it’s been a heckuva year. One that, hopefully, will prove in its relative uneventfulness to be a solid foundation for next year, a year that I hope will prove to be eventful in only joyful ways.

I’ve been living under a rock, so tell me: What are you thinking about as the end of 2012 approaches. Go ahead, spill. I’d really like to chat.

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Nice hat! Sorry to hear you guys are under the weather, hopefully you’ll be all recovered soon.

Me, I’ll be glad to see 2012 behind me, looking forward to a fresh start in 2013!

Nancy Cavillones

I love the yarn, with the flecks. It’ll be a hit, I’m sure. As 2012 closes, I’m thinking about how many changes we had this year (moved to a new town, finally sold our blasted apartment, losing both of my grandfathers and my stepmom losing her father) and how many more are coming up (Alice starting Kindergarten in the Fall of 2013, and who knows what else?!). Hope your 2013 is as good as you want it to be.

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