I interrupt this Monday of work and plan-making and manuscript-revising to extol the wonder and lunacy of The Color Run. Have you heard of this event? Do you have one in your city? They happen all over the world.

Saturday morning I picked up four of my friends (none of whom knew each other; certainly part of the fun was that they all knew each other well by the end of the morning) and we drove across town to complete a 5K during which we were human targets for dyed corn-starch powder. It was ridiculous and hilarious, and culminated in a dance party during which we were even more ridiculous and laughed our asses off and got covered in more colourful happiness.

You need not be an athlete to do this, and I recommend it to everyone in the whole world.

Color Run Vancouver

Color Run Vancouver

Color Run all over the ground.

Color Run Vancouver

Color Run Vancouver

Color Run Vancouver

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