A couple weeks ago, there was a countrywide Etsy Made in Canada craft-show event, and the one in Vancouver was held in the centre of downtown. The weather was gorgeous, so the kid and I took the slowest bus in all the land and looked forward to buying presents for people we love.
Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was less than stellar layout planning, but the place was so packed we almost turned right around without going in.
But go in we did, and we managed to make it to a handful of tables before we made a hasty escape for the slowest return trip in all the land.
One of the tables we made it to had a frame loom on it along with a bunch of small woven tapestries. Owen was intrigued, but was a little too grabby. Anyway, more about frame looms another time. (Hint.)
Another table was that of Ocean Park Yarns, and we both loved what we saw. She makes some stunning speckled yarns, you guys. And she also makes a colourway called Unapologetic Rainbow, which Owen lost his mind over.
Which is why I’m now, finally, knitting a pair of socks. His tiny feet are good motivation to actually make two socks.
I’m using this pattern, which is very straightforward so far. I’m working a 2×2 rib rather than a 3×1 rib, because my kid has extraordinarily skinny legs and feet. Also, I’m using slightly smaller needles than called for, for much the same reason (also for durability).
I’m comfortable knitting with DPNs (double-pointed needles, for the uninitiated), but I’m still not used to using them at such a small gauge. I’ll get the hang of it eventually. Or, I suppose, I just won’t end up an avid sock knitter. Either way, whatever.
What’s your favourite sock pattern to knit or crochet?
I haven’t knit many sock patterns (or patterns generally) more than once, so it’s hard to choose a favorite. Although I guess I’ve knit quite a few plain vanilla socks, and plain ribbed ones. But I mostly don’t use a pattern for them anymore.