I just couldn’t wait to weave, you guys. I just couldn’t wait. It was everything I could do not to weave last night after I assembled and warped my frame loom yesterday, but I at least wanted to space the Periscopes out by a day. So I waited. Until this morning.
This morning, I dug through scrap yarn in my studio, gathered a bunch of it up, fired up Periscope, and spent and hour weaving on my frame loom for the first time, in a live video stream. The video’s below, if you want to grab something to make and watch along (bonus points if you weave for the first time!).
Follow me on Periscope for more videos of me making things for the very first time!
Scope Notes
- This is the frame loom I’m using.
- The tutorials I read before starting the broadcast are:
- The lovely Instagrammer who said crafts feel more accessible knowing that not everyone is ace at it right from the start is jesieost.
- The book I’m currently reading is The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend, by Katarina Bivald.
- Here’s a bunch of links on Pinterest about making your own frame loom (lots on there about looms you can buy, too.)
- Beth Graham (you should check out her amazing crochet class, btw) pointed out that the way I made the tassels may not actually secure them to the bottom of the weave (I need to investigate further). Regardless, in the future I will probably make a row or two of plain weave before I make the tassels. Even if I did wrap the tassels around the correct warp threads, putting them on after a few rows of plain weave should make the bottom of the weave more structurally sound.
Want to Get More Comfortable Trying New Things?
A couple of years ago I never would have felt comfortable trying new art and craft techniques in public, with people watching. Then I committed to make something – anything – every day, even for a tiny bit of time, and eventually I learned how to not have any idea how to do something, and do it anyway. If you want a hand forming a daily creative habit, the Daily Making Jumpstart will help!