These are the Craftsy classes I most want to take!

I’ve been an instructor at Craftsy for almost two years now, and I absolutely love teaching there. I most love interacting with students from all over the world, pretty much every day.

Craftsy has just released its 1,000th class. (My beginner crochet class was on their list of most wish listed classes, and I’m just so excited to see it there!).

I can’t actually wrap my brain around 1,000 classes. But I can wrap my brain around how many classes I’ve queued up over the years, and not actually taken. I keep intending to work through all of them, but then like so many of the crafty things I stash, I end up not doing it. But I’m getting better about using the stuff I have in my studio, and I’m hoping my public declaration right here will get me to finally take these classes.

Here are the ones I’m most excited about that are also on the most-wish-listed list!

Have you taken any of these? Are you going to?

PS Some of these are affiliate links.

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