Spirals in ferns in Vancouver, BC – https://www.kimwerker.com/blog

When I decided to make a spiral the science-y part of my Science Hat design, I was thinking of the ferns. (Also the snails.)

This spring has been a total mess here in Vancouver – way too rainy, way too cold. (I was also motivated to demand climate-change action when I designed that hat, to be clear.) And I feel like maybe the ferns have unfurled a bit later than usual (but I honestly have no idea about this at all).

But unfurled they have! Which I discovered the other day while walking through the woods.

Here’s how you can keep spirals around you all the time by crocheting them in two colours.

Spirals in ferns in Vancouver, BC – https://www.kimwerker.com/blog

Spirals in ferns in Vancouver, BC – https://www.kimwerker.com/blog

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