How to braid a round challah –

Fall is the only time of year when I absolutely love cooking. Everything about making fall food makes me happy.

And fall is when we celebrate the Jewish New Year – Rosh Hashanah. As with most Jewish holidays, one of the most salient ways we celebrate is by feasting as a family.

Traditional Rosh Hashanah foods are sweet, for wishing our loved ones a sweet new year. We dip apples in honey, we eat sweet kugel, we make apple desserts.

And to mark and celebrate the cycle of the year, and of life, we eat challah that’s round instead of oblong.

Challah is a mildly sweet, braided egg bread that’s usually braided. Want to make some?

For Rosh Hashanah, here’s my favourite way to braid my loaves into a circle – it’s more like a combination of weaving and braiding.

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