We’re gonna be in this for a long while, dear listeners. We’ll be experiencing waves of grief over a long time. So it’s time to focus on tiny joys, and on how our creativity can help us create some of those joys for ourselves.

Show Notes
- That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
- The 100 Day Project
- Discussion thread about our 100 Day Projects
- My first wee granny square
- I want to make next week’s show like a call-in show and I need your help! Record a 1- to 2-minute clip including your name and location, what you’ve been making, and include a question if you have one! Email your voice memo to me at kim@kimwerker.com. If you’re not able to record a voice memo but you want to participate, simply email me and I may read out what you wrote.
Find our weekly Zoom chat schedule and info on our video chat room over on our community site. It’s free to join, and it’s a super place to hang out with other creative folks.
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